Startup Mentor
+ Advisor.
+ Advisor.
Madeleine provides startup mentorship and venture funding advice to startup founders at Blackbird Giants, Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship, Impact Investment Group, Working Theory Angels, Flying Fox Ventures, City of Melbourne, muru-D, SheEO, Foundation for Young Australians Young Social Pioneers, Startup Sprint and Melbourne Business School (MBA Entrepreneurship).
Investing in female founders
Mentoring early stage startups
Thinking big + starting small
Honest + real conversations
Madeleine is passionate about…
Startup + Entrepreneurship Educator
Mads has facilitated 3DayStartup and Startup Sprint at the University of Melbourne’s Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship, and worked with governments, industry and the education sector on innovation, entrepreneurship and employability skills learning and curriculum design.
Madeleine designs and facilitates programs to enable the application of Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Customer Development, Entrepreneurship and Business Model Canvas in work-integrated learning and education project sprints.